Sunday 27 December 2009


So its christmas break time!!! YAY. I have a list to complete over xmas aslong as my arm, but as the old saying goes "tis the season to me jolly" what they forgot to add is its also the time to pattern cut, toile, get fabrics organized, get accessories, think about shoes, do paperwork! haha somthing tells me that saying will not take off! I have taken a week off to blow off steam but now im excited and ready to go! intense 2 weeks of work ahead! i shall post photos of my triumphs.. 



I know exactly what ur thinking, ohhhhh, ahhhhh! 

pics that have been promised!!

so here they are kids, some long awaited pictures of the working progress jumpy!! 


with my lovely bagman we took a trip to a very exciting leather shop.  We like the contrast of these peachy colour, hopefully bringing the leather over into the collection aswell with toggles leather eyelets as apposed to those horrible shiny silver ones! 

Very exciting bag designs are comming through from the fabulous garth! that are going to compliment the collection beautiful! the perfect finishing touches hehe! 

the blurry leather photo

UPdate so far!!!

SOOO, its been a while no speak/blog. I have alot to tell.. Sequins are looking oh so fab, had a tutorial with rob and all went well. sooo, so far so good! 

Prints have come together aswell( in the last week of term) and our un-hot dye vats actually work for dying sequins YAY!  ive been talking to my old friend that makes bags and he is willing to make my bags for my collection!  these are going to be a unique blend of leather with sequins.. 
will post photos when i get some designs sent over, we are thinking this contrast in the leather and sequins (see blurry photo above)

Monday 30 November 2009


soo basically ive been uber busy with trying to get toiles for outfit one finished.. The jacket is looking amazing, (well i like it) haha. Prints are looking good ive managed to figure out a way of making my digital prints but with screen!! i will definatly post photos soon!! 

Tuesday 17 November 2009

UPdate so far!!!

SOOOOO, basically now the plan is to pattern cut a parka style jacket for my super sexy sequines!! how exciting... Digital print came back well,  but the colours were abit off !! first toile for the jacket has been done and will upload photos as soon as i get a lovely model...(needs tweeking thou).. Have been trying to sort out lineup and print placement... there just simply needs to be more hours in the day!!! Print room is very poorly atm, one thing after another! FANTASTIC.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

A lil snap of the new JUMPY !!

toile madness

Ohhhh today and yesterday has been super busy altering and toiling the jumpsuit pattern!! now alot happier with how it looks! 

print side, today also got some digital prints done, will comment on those as soon as i no! 

right now a night full of paperwork and 2nd garment pattern cutting to look forward to!! yay haha
(also very tired right now think an earlyish night might be in order)

Sunday 8 November 2009


TWO-TONE sequins!! loving it, have been running round the print room like a mad hatter!! 

JUMPY'S (jumpsuits)

The first super sized jumpy!! , defo needs alternations!!

WOW- super busy!

SOOOOO, after that week of sickness I've really stepped up my pace..  have been SUPER busy printing and dying sequins and playing around with my jumpsuits!! All is going well, just need to develop develop develop!! 

Friday 23 October 2009

super cure!!

OHHH no my lil work world has been flipped upside down with a serve case of flu :( !! 
work has taken a slow pace.. but now feeling alot more better thanks to a miracle cure (no names mentioned) !! 

Tuesday 20 October 2009

So basically this is my first blog!! wohooo, hiding in a shadow is created to show you all just how much my brain freaking out and exploding about final collection,
its a clear way to show you all what im thinking and how im feeling as things go on..  

Today my shadow has been brightened up with some bursts of colour!!  loves gathering research at gigs :)