Wednesday 28 April 2010

more!! LOVELY dont ya think ?!

the shooootttt!!!! yay

we did a awsum shoot with a couple of amazing photographers! they made my work look nice :) 

Thursday 22 April 2010

the full complete collection !!

i know what your thinking yay! about time lol.. well great minds think alike so here it is guys ! 

Friday 19 March 2010


its getting to that stage when jess has turned into a sleepy head! more sleep more sleep must work ohhhhh sleep can begin in 3 days YAY!! 

more!! LOVELY editing dont ya think ?!

Hahaha a quick edit of the lineup together can you tell i'm a lil rushed for time ........... oh well you get the idea.

quick lil photoshoot

"ohhhh my" what a random collection haha ... What kind of crazy lady created that?!?! 

Monday 15 March 2010

the crazyness strikes

so as i was saying ive been going a tad insane with the sequins this is just a snippit into my life and the insanity i have had to deal with ..............
Jess Sayers "cummon baby do the sequinee sequinne with meeeee!! you gotta swing ur hips now " ( think locomotion song) hahahaha do the seeeky seeky with me!!

Jess Sayers thinks that u just get to the point wen all u want to do is, curl up into a lil bubble of joy and float far far away.... my bubble keeps on bursting !! bubbles of joy popping in my face!!! cummon pac man army save me , save me !!

Jess Sayers wtf wtf wtf 4 weeks left !! today is the day to freak out mega double an triple fuckity fucks x

Jess Sayers yeh yeh the time for the unliving has begun!! who needs a life anyway?!?! TOOOT TOOOT.. cummon kids lets kick some sequin ass

Jess Sayers is cummon mother fuckers bring it on .... im gunna kick some sequin butt today.. sew sew sew sew sew sooo going insane brrrreeeemmmm/!!!!!


Jess Sayers LOOOOVVVVEEEESS coffeee and hates sequins ( if u didnt already no)

Jess Sayers whooop there it is, whooop there it is, whoop wheres it gone !!

March 6 at 6:47pm ·  · 
Olivia Haskey
Olivia Haskey 
wheres what gone? your sanity?

Jess Sayers brrrrrrrr(rolls tongue)uupppp!!! cummon mother truckers! pow pow party time people.. lets get this show on the rd ! sanity is leaving me

Saturday 13 March 2010

work work work

jess has totally learnt how to burn the candle at every end and partly in the middle too!! im in total meltdown and am about to trot off to work!! one week remaining wooop wooop exciting times!! What better than an actual mountain of paperwork an sequins to greet me when i get home! 

 "i love coffee and detest sequins, imagine my horror when one finds a sequin hiding at the bottom of my coffee cup"

Friday 12 March 2010

what to to with toiles ?!?!

this could be a solution 

close ups of sequins !! pretty pretty pretty

Silk bits!!! wohooo


sorry havn't been blogging been to busy losing my brain creating a final collection !!  check out some of the snaps as to what ive been up to .. 

Friday 12 February 2010


basically jess had a massive rough an tumble with a length of sequin and lost miseribly .. blister on my hand from outfit one ?!?!?! hows that fair lol ... And production is starting yip yip yippee im well excited.. all fabric is printed and dyed and is currently being steamed and pressed as i speak!! wish me luck (im going to need it)

Friday 5 February 2010


So basically we had our fittings last week and i have been working like a mental person to get all my fabric printed and dyed and ready!! (basically living in the print room) .. Fitting went well not to many alterations and the sequin jumpy pattern is done !! pow pow at long last!! 

All is going well atm so fingers crossed it continues ! 


OMG!! check these beasts out!! sequin shoes love love love it !!! 

all with the amazing strength of double sided tape pow pow!! 

Sunday 24 January 2010

sequin samples for the bags!!!

have just completed the sequins for the bags and they are with my bag guy as i type!! How exciting!!  

have a look and try to imagine them as a bag ;) 

sequin samples

have been a busy bee recently working on samples and toiles!!, the sequins and dying I feel I've mastered now!! I feel like a dying queen ruling the dye vats!! 

so heres a few cheeky pics to show you!

Monday 18 January 2010

such beautiful shadow music !!