Friday 12 February 2010


basically jess had a massive rough an tumble with a length of sequin and lost miseribly .. blister on my hand from outfit one ?!?!?! hows that fair lol ... And production is starting yip yip yippee im well excited.. all fabric is printed and dyed and is currently being steamed and pressed as i speak!! wish me luck (im going to need it)

Friday 5 February 2010


So basically we had our fittings last week and i have been working like a mental person to get all my fabric printed and dyed and ready!! (basically living in the print room) .. Fitting went well not to many alterations and the sequin jumpy pattern is done !! pow pow at long last!! 

All is going well atm so fingers crossed it continues ! 


OMG!! check these beasts out!! sequin shoes love love love it !!! 

all with the amazing strength of double sided tape pow pow!!